Monday, September 5, 2011

A Summer's Red Nose

What an amazing summer!!  I have had soooo much fun and wearing my nose added more fun to it all!

Let's see...August 22/23 - I wore my nose in a grocery store in Whistler called Nesters.  My boyfriend lives above the store and I was nervous at first to wear it in there with him because of what reactions he may get from the people who work there.  I hardly got any reactions at all!  I think it was the manager who asked me why I was wearing it.  I explained and he laughed and said it made him smile!

August 24 -I rode around Lost Lake in Whistler.  I couldn't wear my nose for long as I found it very distracting on the day for some strange reason.  Maybe because Mike was introducing me to single track biking and I needed more concentration??!! 

August 25- I was heading into the Okanagan again with my great friend Nicole.  We stopped in Chilliwack at a Starbucks and I had someone ask "Did that hurt??"  A few other people smiled.  I also wore it in a Subway in Princeton, BC and there wasn't really any reaction at all.  The lady who was making our food kept sneaking peeks at me but never responded to my smiles or eye contact!

August 26- I meant to wear my nose while Nicole and I were wine tasting in Naramata, but completely forgot!  I remembered to wear it very briefly in a Whole Foods.  The lady at the check out smiled.

August 27- I forgot to wear it again while being shown around the city of Osoyoos.  So I wore it on the boat while Nicole and her dad went water skiing.  I took it off when I tried to water ski!!  Thanks goodness I took it off...I did a couple of face plants and I would have lost my nose for sure if I kept it on!

August 28 - Nicole and I visited Dairy Queen in Princeton and there was a little girl that laughed so hard when she saw me.  She pointed at me and straight out laughed!  It was great!  I asked why she was laughing at me?? She didn't answer, but her little brother yelled out "Because of your nose!!!"  That interaction put a big smile on my face!

August 29 - I wore my nose to the doctor's office.  The waiting room was a tough crowd.  Hardly anyone looked up at me.  No one smiled.  The receptionist laughed and said I need to wear it every time I come in so she would recognize me.

August 30 - The passport office was a tough crowd too!  I got a huge smile from a fireman that was waiting in line.  Other then that, I got a few sideways looks.  On my way to the passport office, a few construction men had a good laugh!!  On a side note....have you ever noticed that there are no clocks in the passport office??  I guess they don't want to you to see how long you have been sitting there!!

August 31 - Biking in Stanley park.  Didn't wear it long as to much condensation was building up in my nose!

September 1 - I wore my nose to Costco!  I didn't get many reactions there.  I did however get a flower drawn on my receipt by the lady that was checking my cart at the door on my way out.  Also, I had just gotten into my car and closed my door, when a man came up to my window, knocked on it, stuck his hands in this ears and made a funny face at me!!!  I opened my door, yelled out "Nice face!!" and he yelled back "Nice nose!!"  That was the first time that happened!

September 2- Hiking in Deep Cove.  I had a few people laugh and say some good comments.  I remember passing a man who was hiking with a friend and a couple of kids. I remember him and the kids laughing and saying something to me, although I didn't hear everything he said.  He caught up with me a bit later and he apologized for what he said earlier (I couldn't even remember what he said!!).  He went on to say that what came out of his mouth came so quickly and he was afraid it might have offended me!!  I said it is all in good fun and no offense was taken!!  No one has ever apologized for something they said to me while I was wearing my nose!

September 3 - Walking to/around Granville Island.  I had lots of smiles and remarks made that day!  "You have a big zit on your nose."  I asked someone "How are you??", they responded "Not as happy as you are!"  Someone said "I'm sure everyone smiles".  But you know, not everyone does smile.  It is getting very clear that if I don't smile at someone or say hi when someone sees my nose, I rarely get any response.  However, if I do smile or make a comment after someone looks at my nose, I usually get a huge smile or a comment back.  It is all about connection.

September 4 - Biking to Spanish Banks.  Lots of smiles and laughter from other bikers and people walking.

September 5 - Drinking martinis on a patio at a restaurant called The Central.  I was with my friends Katy and Brian and they are such good sports about it all!!  I had a few people walk by the patio and smile/stare/laugh.  My friends and I always get a good laugh out of people's reactions!

So, I am back to work tomorrow.  I will need to make time to wear my nose.  I might need to wear it while driving to and from work.  Or find an excuse to go out after work in order to wear it daily.  Sometimes I just come home and don't feel like going out after.  But, I will still wear it daily.  I do know however, that I will not be wearing it at work.  I work in an elementary school and it would be very unprofessional to wear it while working...except of course at Halloween!